Sex Search


Please be sure you have placed our link on your site BEFORE submitting your site to our directory. Any site submitted WITHOUT having our link in place will not be validated, and deleted shortly thereafter. All submissions are checked within 48 hours.

After submitting your site, it is stored in our database, and "flagged" as "invisible." When one of our info members has visited your site to verify it's validity, your site will be "flagged" as "visible" and will then appear in the directory.

Please allow up to 48 hours for your site to be validated. You will receive an email message informing you of your sites status.

If validated, for the next 30 days, your site will be listed in the "New This Month" category, along with the category you have selected. If you wish to edit your site's description, click the "Edit Your Site" link. Your password will be your contact email address until you change it.

We would certainly appreciate your taking the time to create a link to us on your site.

Please use the image below for the link.  Feel free to use the HTML linking code, or create your own. Thanks!

<a href="">
<img src="YourImageFolder/sm_internetdating.jpg" /a>

While you're here, you might want to visit our sister site, the Internet Dating Guide
